Members with Birthdays on 06-12-2012
kc612, saltysenior (74), William Weise (70), Jtone (67), StuartG (67), fastman (66), Stonz22 (64), wrheiar (61), GreyGhost37 (57), (57), rkreveg (57), Moedad (56), Pack Rat (53), Brian Ward (52), Floorguy63 (49), Truck24 (48), phileefan (48), sam120665 (47), Tony Estremera (45), Bull66 (45), (44), shanghur (44), littlejimmy70 (42), djones2109@ (42), Stew and kerry (42), Murdies8up (40), Truckerman (40), truck crazy man (38), (38), robibanez (34), chickendadtx (33), Jason Penland (32), maxpowermarketig459 (32), Txizzy82 (30), Tifftac12 (29), Triton xlt 5.4 (28), royalenett (27), EnMisPantolones (26), Konnorsincox (25), tweddle66 (24), maihoa901 (22), danny66 (22), roksa (22), andy21996 (22), accessibilitys57 (22), Repipefitting27 (22), walter90 (22), quinton77 (22), matthew42 (22), walling56 (22), scott88 (22), Nick1 (20), Kilgour68 (20), kaitlyne86 (20), headphoneshort (20), Luke Barstow (18), luatxdsuad (17), cameravtvn (17), sthinuoc (17), almanhatrang (17), tuekhangth (17), quatangvv (17), thoihieulats (16), gentocda (16), mackhenmb (16), laptop3mienn (16), vinhomelm81 (16), vhungttv (16), minhphugrp (16), danambag1 (16), tuidanm (16), tuideochn (16), baodanm (16), vuthuypbc (16), khoahoclst (16), dongphuctd (16), bailumayrst (16), hoanhaodrc (16), vanintemdn (16), temhoangha7 (16), inhpgiaymhv (16), minhhoangrn (16), trungnguyenbl (16), tem7maumh (16), inmhoanghcm (16), intoroigrmh (16), xetaithunghw (16), ninhthuankp (16), kingsolarv (16), mkhoidrv (16), inanmhoanglb (16), inbbhoangha (16), luatxdats (16), dautuvangvn (16), dautuchukh (16), simsdepvn (16), nhathongminhlm (16), engramtest (16), pkientbep (16), phuquocdaho (16), caiwinit (16), sualaptopit (16), ladykiller (13), goodmore1 (12)
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