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johnny5 09-08-2005 10:11 AM

RE: 7.3 help diagnose
im still cofuzzed[:@]i even hooked it up when the light was on and still no codes im getting angry

Sabretooth 09-09-2005 01:38 AM

RE: 7.3 help diagnose
Well, it's the time which all we weekend warrior mechanics must face...time to go to a dealer/mechanic, if not to fix it, to get advice as to what the problem may have a thought that it might be the Cam Positioning Sensor, so if your mechanic is worth his weight, he'll listen to you and either say it's that, or that it is something else...from there, either he/she can fix it, or you can do it yourself...all up to you...

Ramrod48 09-09-2005 01:50 AM

RE: 7.3 help diagnose
Well tryed to post earlier but it wouldnt let me ,, you guys are too kind , expert -- humm an ex , is a has been , a used to be ,,,,, an a spert , is a leak under pressure,, I think there is a few folks here that are sharper then me , "cctxfish " " pakus " to name a few , I find it odd that the problem gets worst as you get to operating temp ., prehaps a componet is heating up an failing, If it was the CPS , it should set a code , an even if the lite isnt lit at the time it should hold a memory for so many key cycles , The fact that the puther aint showing no codes , or not allowing you to access them is not clear , Is it telling you that you are getting a OK , theres nothing wrong ?? , If so them its possible its not a puther controlled problem, Or the puther is defective if you cant access any codes,, Also your saying you cant hold a steady speed , Is the oil pressure dropping also in this time frame ??? , It could be that the fuel pump is not able to keep with the demand of fuel as well .... also I would check the fuel caps an make sure there not plugged creating a vaccum on the tank , as this would cause the problem mentioned,,,, An I would check the Thermostat as well to see if it missing , or stuck open ,, At this point we're just sorta giving our best guess going off past experaince , an knowlege , we gotta elimate some of the sub systems so it leaves us with what the problem is .. Do you know if your turbo is working ??? a failed , or on its way out to lunch turbo will cause the engine to be doggie , lack of power, spurts of normal running an then falling out , are all the hoses an tubes to the turbo hooked up an sealed good , non of the clamps loose missing ,, boots torn , or sucked closed ?, Sorry i cant give you a solid answer of this---- is your exact problem , lets us know what you find on some of the things that have been suggested, An try an go from there .


Sabretooth 09-09-2005 01:58 AM

RE: 7.3 help diagnose
So glad that there are people on here that know what they know...i can just give my opinion as to what i've heard/read...i keep on learnin and like it a lot...thanks guys

Ramrod48 09-09-2005 10:56 AM

RE: 7.3 help diagnose
Well thats the thing , We gotta learn everyday. Sometimes its a tough row to hoe, An others times its a piece of cake. But the day we think we know it all,, Is the day we're going to screw up bad !!!! An I'am not to proud to say yea I missed the boat on that one. An I enjoy sharing what I know if it helps other folks , I have worked with some of the MOST miserable people on the face of the earth I think. They wouldnt offer you a hand , or give a word of advice I guess they were either job scared or I dont know ??? , I remember one time when I was starting out in the field , An this one ole grouch who thought he was King Of the Hill of Mechanic's, I asked for some assistance on a car , His reply was I had to learn how to do it on my own, with no help , What makes you think your any better .. That was the start to a long friendship, LOL yea right !!!, He got his pay back a few months later however revenge is so sweet !!!! ,, But after I saw him struggle half the day I gave in an showed him how to fix it, Guess Iam just a softie !!! [&:]

Sabretooth 09-09-2005 06:40 PM

RE: 7.3 help diagnose
I had an ol boy who used to ride my hind end like you wouldn't believe, and I eventually quit the job, but the one thing I noticed is that what he taught me seems to have stuck for the most part...I may not have like him, but there are some things that I won't forget...just wish he'd had a better way to impart the knowledge..hehehe

diesel problem 09-11-2005 06:00 PM

RE: 7.3 help diagnose
OK, I drove the truck for 45 min. on the interstatewith no problems. Once i got off the highway and started stop and go driving and while trying to maintain 35mph in third gear it happened choke,choke,choke, like it was running out of gas, engine light was on and auto zone right down the street.I pull in the truck dies as soon as i stop. I left the ignition on so the engine light would stay on. The guy plugged the diagnostic tool into my truck and nothing happened. His tool would not even turn on. He thought it was broke, until he plugged it into a car next to mine and it worked fine. He tried mine again and nothing. He said sorry and good luck.All of my gauges were reading normal, turbo seems to be working fine, seal on fuel cap is clean with no tears,fuel tank is full. It appears that the previous owner of this truck had a "chip" in it.I believe these plug into the same spot as the diadnostic tool, if so would a chip being hooked up effect the diagnostic tool or does anything need to be disconnected to install a chip?? After turning ignition off and restarting, the truck ran fine. Note, While changing the oil yesterday I noticed that a exaust doughnut gasket right after the manifold is bad. I cant imagine this being the problem, but it is next on the cheap fix list. As usual, any help is deeply appreciated!!!

Sabretooth 09-12-2005 02:16 AM

RE: 7.3 help diagnose
I don't think that the "chip" would be the problem, but thats the problem that you run into w/ aftermarket products...sometimes they don't react well with the rest of the vehicle...I don't think that the exhaust would be the problem otherwise it would be more consistant...i'm fresh out beyond that...

diesel problem 09-18-2005 07:24 PM

RE: 7.3 help diagnose
:):):):):) Thank you to all who helped me with my 7.3 problem. I replaced the cps (cam positioning sensor) and all is well, no more hesitation, stalling or loss of power. I found the cps on e-bay for $60.00, better than $200.00 from local dealer!!
Thanks again everyone!

Sabretooth 09-23-2005 05:49 PM

RE: 7.3 help diagnose
the wonders of question, it'll be cheaper than them dang ol' dealers

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